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Article 4 - Standing Committees

Last Revised October 04, 2021

Section 1. Staff Senate Standing Committees

Members of the standing committees shall come from the University Staff Council membership and be Chaired or Co-Chaired by elected Staff Senate representatives/officers; exceptions may be approved by the Chair, if necessary.

  1. Professional Development
  2. Awards
  3. Scholarship
  4. Staff Engagement
  5. Policies & Procedures

Section 2. Appointments

Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs shall be Staff Senate members and will be appointed by the Staff Senate Chair. Staff Senate standing committee members, will be appointed by committee chairs and with the approval of the Senate Chair. Members on standing committees may be any member of the USC.

Section 3. Duties of Committee Members

Committee Chairs, Co-Chairs, and members are expected to attend committee meetings and provide reports at Staff Senate monthly meetings. If a committee member fails to fulfill the obligations of the position, they may be removed by the committee Chair/Co-Chair and replaced by appointment as deemed necessary by the same.

Section 4. Ad Hoc Committees

These may be created by the Executive Committee as needed. The Chair/Co-Chairs and membership of the committee(s) shall be appointed by the Staff Senate Executive Committee.

Section 5. Vacancy

Should a committee chair vacancy occur, the Staff Senate Chair shall appoint a new Chair or Co-Chairs within 30 days.