Grade Replacement
Students may elect to repeat courses for credit as they deem necessary; however, course hours will be applied only one time toward graduation requirements. Beginning in fall of 2018, grade replacement (the exclusion of individual course grades) will not be applied to all repeated courses. Grade replacement will only be allowed as noted below. Students wishing to replace a grade must bring the completed Grade Replacement Request form to the Registrar’s Office.
- May be used for a maximum of 12 hours. The first attempt with an “E” beside the grade to denote that it has been excluded from the GPA. The grade replacement will not be automatic. In consultation with their advisor, the student should select the courses to be excluded from GPA calculations and submit the appropriate form to the Registrar’s Office.
- Will only be allowed on courses in which the grades of C, D, or F were earned initially (no grade replacement permitted on courses with A or B grades earned).
- Can only be applied one time to any given course (in which case the second and subsequent grades will all count in the GPA).
- In all other cases, all grades earned will be included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. All courses are included as attempted hours for financial aid purposes.
- Grade replacement is eligible only for courses taken before the first baccalaureate degree is awarded.
- Courses repeated for purposes of grade replacement must be the exact course. Students may not use substitutions for repeated courses. The department chair, the appropriate college dean, and the registrar will determine the application of the grade replacement policy in those instances where course numbers and/or titles have been changed.
- Graduating students may request grade replacement for one semester post-graduation. The grade replacement request must be submitted by the end the next major semester (fall or spring) subsequent to graduation.
This policy will go into effect for classes taken during the fall 2018 semester and beyond. Prior grade replacements will not be affected, nor will they count against the four allowed courses for replacement. The change in GPA calculation will be handled prospectively from fall 2018 forward.
Students considering grade replacement should be aware that many graduate schools, professional schools, employers or other institutions, in considering admission or employment, recompute the GPA and include all courses attempted even though grade replacement has been granted. This means that if the cumulative GPA has been raised because of grade replacement, the recomputed GPA will be lower.
Students may not attempt any course more than twice and be eligible for admission to some programs in the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences. Students should discuss retaking courses with their advisor.
The indicators are noted in the chart below:
Indicator | Attempted Hours | Earned Hours | GPA Hours | GPA Calculation | Used for Degree | Used for Pre-requisites |
I – Include or blank | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E – Exclude | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
A – Include in GPA | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |