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Undergraduate Tuition & Fees for Incoming Students

Under the direction of the Board of Trustees, any and all fees may be increased or decreased and new fees may be established when deemed necessary. Tuition and per-credit-hour fees are not capped; they are charged for each hour taken.

Tuition and mandatory fees shown are for the 2024-2025 academic year.



  Tuition Mandatory
Undergraduate In-State / *Border States $198 $101 $299
Undergraduate Out-of-State $400 $101 $501
Undergraduate International $400 $101 $501

*Per-semester fees of $79 will also apply (includes registration, student health, and fitness center access). Additional fees may apply.


Full-Time Tuition

  Tuition Mandatory Fees Total
for One Semester
(15 Hours)
for One Year
(30 Hours)
Undergraduate In-State / *Border States $2,970  $1,594   $4,564
Undergraduate Out-of-State   $6,000 $1,594 $7,594 $15,188
Undergraduate International $6,000 $2,019 $8,019 $15,963


The revised per-credit-hour tuition rate for ΖήΣΡΙηΗψ students in UAF engineering programs for 2024‐2025 is as follows:

Type Cost
Resident (In‐State) $376.34 
Non‐Resident (Out-of-State)

Fees include registration, student health, fitness center access, activity, athletic, campus center, instructional technology, student recreation center, student success support, technology, library, infrastructure, and facilities. Other fees may apply. 

*Border state tuition is $400 per credit hour with a discount of $202 per credit hour for a net charge per credit hour of $198, the same rate as in-state residents. In-state (Arkansas) and border state rates include residents (at least six consecutive months) of Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. 

Refund of Tuition for Undergraduate Studies

When a student officially withdraws from a credit course, tuition is refunded according to the following schedule:


Date of Official Withdrawal - Fall/Spring Semesters

Before the first day of the semester 100%
During the first week of the semester 100%
During the second week of the semester through 11th day of classes 50%
After the 11th day of classes 0%


Date of Official Withdrawal - Summer Semester

Before the first day of the semester 100%
First two days of the semester 100%
Third day through the fifth day of classes (census date) 50%
After the fifth day of classes 0%

*Refunds for short-term courses or courses starting at times other than the beginning of the semester will be calculated on a prorated basis of a regular semester course.