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Employee Appreciation Celebration

The 2025 celebration will take place Friday, April 11, at the Stubblefield Center. Doors open at 3 p.m. The program will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m.

Recipients of this year's Faculty, Staff, and SGA awards and those receiving Years of Service awards will be recognized during the celebration. 

At the heart of every student’s educational journey are the remarkable individuals who shape the minds of tomorrow: our talented faculty and staff. We believe in fostering an environment where passion meets expertise, creating an unparalleled experience for our students.

At the annual ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Employee Appreciation Celebration, we publicly recognize these individuals for their invaluable contributions! This special event honors their years of dedicated service and positive impact on our institution.

During the celebration we take the time to recognize milestone achievements by distributing Years of Service Awards to those who have reached significant work anniversaries.

We also present awards to individuals selected by their colleagues for their outstanding contributions and commitment to excellence.

2025 Service Pin Recipients

Name Title Department
Dana Andreassen Director Student Disability Services
Jessica L Bair Director Information Strategy and Analytics
John Mark Bennet Assistant Director TRIO SSS
Patricia Ann Briley Instructor School of Nursing
Chelsea Nicole Cowan Executive Assistant/Program Coordinator Center for Economic Development
Rindy Crump Director  TRIO STEM
Dr. Nawa Dahal Assistant Professor Physical Sciences
Jarod Alexander Gartrell Public Safety Officer University Police Department
Nicki Gilbert Admissions Coordinator College of Health, Education, And Human Sciences
Amber Lyn Gutierrez Senior HCM Administrator Human Resources
Liana S Jerry Academic Specialist Upward Bound Math Science Program
Chris Kelly Assistant Vice Chancellor Marketing
Laura Lynn Lehnen Senior Director Foundation Finance & Operations
Dr. Mary Lutze Assistant Professor and Director Writing Center
Janet Lynne Miller Financial Aid Advisor Financial Aid Operations
Kendall Lee Ross Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development

Center for Economic Development

Tresia Rouse Senior Instructor School of Nursing
Elias Ann Vattes Library Technician Library Services
Braden Walker Systems Analyst IT Customer Support
Katie Waugh Department Head/Associate Professor Art and Graphic Design
Katie Waugh Department Head/Associate Professor Art and Graphic Design
Kelsay Williams Assistant Director TRIO Upward Bound Math Science Program


Name Title Department
Katie Beineke Senior Associate Athletic Director Athletics
Michele Ann Elmore Senior Instructor School of Nursing
Todd R Holland Head Coach, Baseball Athletics
Andrew Lee Mackey Instructor Computer and Information Sciences
Ray Ottman Director/Chief University Police Department
Rachel Rodemann Putman Director Strategic Communications
Jordanna Shotzman Advising Coordinator College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Dr. Nicki Stancil Associate Professor

English, Rhetoric and Writing, and Media Communication

CarolAnn Nicole Sturgis Administrative Specialist lll Athletics
Kristin J Tardif Associate Professor/Interim Department Head Industry, Organizational Leadership


Name Title Department
James Benjamin Associate Professor Behavioral Sciences
David Jon Burkey Assistant Professor Physical Sciences
Dr. Silvia Imanda Associate Professor School of Nursing
Tiffany Yvette Johnson LT Administrative Services/Communication Coordinator

University Police Department

Steve Knoche Kite Professor History, Social Sciences, and Philosophy
Lee Edward Krehbiel Vice Chancellor Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Dr. Ann-Gee Lee Professor and Assistant Chair English, Rhetoric and Writing, and Media Communication
Casey Lynn McEver Senior Instructor Mathematics
Terry L Meadows Director Information Technology
Dr. Kerrie M Taber  Assistant Professor College of Business and Industry
Carolyn Ann Thompson Senior Instructor English, Rhetoric and Writing, and Media Communication
Christy Lynn Williams Dir of Corp & Found Engagement University Advancement
Dr. Mary Isis Wuestewald Assistant Professor Criminal Justice


Name Title Department
Stacey Gaye DuVaul Instructor

English, Rhetoric and Writing, and Media Communication

Melanie Caral Racy Administrative Analyst/Praxis Advisor School Of Education


Name Title Department
Jenny Jones Assistant Registrar Registrar's Office
Dr. Carol D Westcamp-Sessums Professor English, Rhetoric and Writing, and Media Communication
Dennis James Siler Professor/Director Myles Friedman Honors Program
Margaret M Tanner Assoc Provost/Director/Prof Academic Affairs


Name Title Department
Sherry Khristina Burnett Associate Registrar Registrar's Office
Carol Renee Hill Academic Program Specialist

Academic Affairs

Jack L Jackson Professor Mathematics


Name Title Department
Don Keith Bailey Director Jazz Studies/Associate Professor
Music and Theatre


Cindy L Boyd Administrative Specialist l Computer and Information Sciences


Name Title Office
Pam Fout Associate Director Information Technology Services